
I am here to write down my feeling of today so that tomorrow I can see the path of my yesterda


(2006-10-22 21:06:15) 下一个

My 10-day east coast trip finally ended. Please don't take me wrong. I enjoyed every minute of it. But somehow, I wished it was ended before it started - maybe tired of traveling.

Went to NY state - Middletown, Albany and George Lake first. The NYSBA 2006 fall annual meeting. Had great time listening to speaches, looking at the color of NY as well as getting to know new people. One hour wandering on the lake, never saw anything like that.

Sunday, drove 5 hours to NJ, the color kept changing, did not really feel tired. Saw Peter. A shy nice boy.

Was in NYC when it rained, did not buy umbralla - attampted :-) Met Jeff Sweetman and Ben and everybody in else of PCTFiler's NY office and had a great lunch. Talked about biz of course. Saw their new office.

Took train to DC on Wednesday, paid two expensive meals - lunch with Banner & Witcoff and dinner with Craig Armstrom in a beatuful downtown restaurant. The weather was so nice so found a table outside. It was just nice except that Craig was a bit nervous. :-) Wine, talk, food, desert.

Then AIPLA started, met quite a few clients in DC on Thursday and at the conference. Getting to be familiar with new people easily. On Friday, long and nice talk with Zheng Xia - I think our partnership finally got started. We had lunch and I took her to the subway station after talking for four hours. Dinner/music with John Branch. Dress, dance, party.

The trip was waaaaay nicer than I described, lol.

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