高铁2008-01-27 19:25:47回复悄悄话
If you didn't set up FSA, then you can get tax credit when you file tex return. The saving is less than using FSA, but you need to set up FSA before hand. If FSA is not used up, you cannot get it back.
You need her name, address, SSN, and her to sign a form.
This is determined by the tax credit limit and the FSA limit. It also depends on which basket you fall into based on your income.
If you pay more than 5000, definitely. You can get the FSA claim form from your company, or the FSA company. Fill it in, ask her to sign it monthly, or wait until you have paid her all $5000.
If you didn't set up FSA, then you can get tax credit when you file tex return. The saving is less than using FSA, but you need to set up FSA before hand. If FSA is not used up, you cannot get it back.
You need her name, address, SSN, and her to sign a form.
This is determined by the tax credit limit and the FSA limit. It also depends on which basket you fall into based on your income.
Q4--听说保姆费用可算作FLEXIABLE SPENDING, 所以明年的FLEXIABLE SPENDING我们放了5000刀,有必要吗?
If you pay more than 5000, definitely. You can get the FSA claim form from your company, or the FSA company. Fill it in, ask her to sign it monthly, or wait until you have paid her all $5000.