
基督里的自由 七 思想的征战

(2008-09-18 10:32:31) 下一个

Session 7


The Battle For Our Minds


Focus Verse


Ephesians 6:11: Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

以弗所书 6 章 11 节:穿上神的全副武装, 好使你能够站得稳抵挡魔鬼的计谋。



To understand that although the devil is constantly attempting to get us to believe lies, we don’t have to believe every thought that comes into our head but can hold each one up against the truth and choose to accept or reject it.

懂得虽然魔鬼一直企图让我们相信谎言,我们不必相信每一个进入我们头脑里的念头。 相反, 我们可以把每个想法用真理来检验,并选择接受或者拒绝这些想法。

Focus Truth


The battle takes place in our minds. If we are aware of how Satan works, we will not fall for his schemes.

征战发生在我们头脑里。 如果我们明白撒旦如何工作,我们就不会跌到在他的诡计之中。



Has anyone ever played a really good trick on you, or have you played one on someone else?

有没有人成功地用诡计愚弄了你,或者你成功地愚弄了别人 ?



Suggested theme: God’s authority. See 1 John 3:8; Colossians 2:15; Mathew 28:18,19.

建议的主题: 神的权柄。见约翰一书 3 章 8 节;歌罗西书 2 章 15 节,马太福音 28 章 18-19 节。


The Battle Is Real


Jesus came to destroy the devil’s work (1John 3:8).

耶稣来是为了摧毁魔鬼的工作(约翰一书 3 章 8 节)

The tendency of those of us brought up with Western worldview is to dismiss the reality of the spiritual world or act as if it does not exist. Paul tells us explicitly that we are not fighting flesh and blood but the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:10ff).

按照西方的世界观成长的人们当中有些人有一种倾向,要忽视灵魂世界的存在,或者在生活中当做灵魂不存在。保罗明确地告诫我们,我们不是在和血肉之躯征战, 我们是在和天空中的邪恶灵魂力量征战(以弗所书 6 章 10 节及其后各节)。

Who Is Satan?


Adam and Eve effectively handed over their right to rule the world to Satan, whom Jesus called “the prince (ruler) of this world” (John 12:31).

亚当和夏娃把掌管这世界的权利成功地交给了被耶稣称为“这个世界之王“的撒旦(约翰福音 12 章 31 节)

Satan Is Not Like God


We tend to divide the world into “natural” and “ supernatural”, but the Bible makes the distinction between “Creator” and “Created” (see John 1:3). Like us, Satan is a created being, whereas God is the Creator. There is no comparison between them.

我们趋向于把世界划分成“自然的 ” 和“超自然的“, 而圣经把世界划分为“创造者“和“被造者 / 物“(约翰福音 1 章 3 节)。 撒旦和我们一样是被造者, 而上帝则是创造主。在撒旦和上帝之间没有可比性。

Satan Can Be In Only One Place At One Time


Because Satan is a created being we can infer that he can be only in one place at one time. Only God is everywhere at once.

因为撒旦是被造者, 我们可以推断出,他一次只能出现在一个地方。 只有上帝是同时存在于一切地方。

Satan’s Power And Authority Do Not Even Begin To Compare To God’s


At the cross Jesus disarmed Satan (Colossians 2:15). Jesus is now “far above” all powers and authorities (Ephesians 1:21).

在十字架上,耶稣解除了撒旦的武装(歌罗西书 2 章 15 节)。耶稣现在远远“超越”所有能力和权威之上(以弗所书 1 章 21 节)

Satan Does Not Know Everything


Satan cannot perfectly read your mind. We can infer this from the Bible (e.g. Daniel 2, where sorcerers using demonic powers could not read Nebuchadnezzar’s mind) and from the fact that Satan is created being and does not possess the attributes of God.

撒旦无法完全阅读你的头脑。我们可以从圣经推断出这一点 (例如,但以理书 2 章所说,巫师们使用法术不能读出尼布甲尼撒头脑中的梦), 也可以从撒旦是被造物,不拥有上帝的属性这一事实推断出来。 

How Satan Works


Satan works through “rulers, authorities, powers and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12).

撒旦通过“执政的,掌权的,管辖这世界的,以及天空中的恶灵“来进行他的工作。(以弗所书 6 章 12 节)

By Putting Thoughts Into Our Minds


“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” (1Timothy 4:1)

“圣灵明说:在后来的时候,必有人离弃真道,听从那引诱人的邪灵和鬼魔的道理。“(提莫太前书 4 章 1 节)。

“Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.”(1 Chronicles 21:1)

撒旦起来攻击以色列人,激动大卫数点他们“(历代志上 21 章 1 节)。

“The evening meal was being served and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus.”(John 13:2)

“吃晚饭的时候魔鬼已将卖耶稣的意思放在西门的儿子加略人犹大心里“(约翰福音 13 章 2 节)。

“ Then Peter said, ‘Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received from the land?”(Acts 5:3)

“然后,彼得说,‘亚拿尼亚, 为什么撒旦充满了你的心,叫你欺哄圣灵,把田地的价银私自留下几分呢“ ” ( 使徒行传 5 章 3 节 ) 。

If Satan can put thoughts into our minds, he can make them sound like our own: “ I’m useless; I’m ugly.”

如果撒旦能把想法放进我们的头脑, 他也可以使这些想法听起来像是我们自己的想法:“我一点儿用也没有; 我很丑陋“。

Pause for thought 1

思考问题 1

Have any of the things you have learnt about Satan surprised you? Does he now seem more or less powerful than you had imagined?

你学到的关于撒旦的任何事情使你惊讶么? 他比你原来想像的能力更大还是更小?

Is it a surprise to you that some of the thoughts in your mind may have been put there by a deceiving spirit even though they seem like your own thoughts? Can you identify some of them? Are they completely false or is there some truth in them?

你是否惊讶原来你头脑里的某些思想是由一个有欺骗性的灵魂放进去的, 尽管它们好像是你自己的思想? 你能否找出一些这样的思想来?它们是完全错误的,还是也有一些道理?

Through Temptation, Accusation And Deception


If I tempt you, you know it. If I accuse you, you know it. But if I deceive you, by definition you don’t know it. Deception is Satan’s primary strategy.

如果我引诱你,你知道; 如果我谴责你,你也知道。 但如果我欺骗了你,你根本就不知道。 欺骗是撒旦的主要策略。

By Getting Footholds In Our Lives Through Sin


Ephesians 4:26-27 says that if you do not deal with your anger in short order, you give the devil a foothold in your life.

以弗所书, 4 章 26-27 节说,如果你不立即处理你的怒气,就会在你生命中给魔鬼留下机会。

“If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven – if there was anything to forgive – I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes” (2 Corinthians 2:10, 11).

“你们赦免谁,我也赦免谁。 我若有所赦免的,是在基督面前为你们赦免的,免得撒旦乘着机会胜过我们,因为我们并非不晓得他的诡计”(哥林多后书 2 章 10 , 11 节)。

Satan’s greatest access to Christians is often through the sin of unforgiveness.


The Relationship Between Demons And Christians


We are not talking about Christians being “possessed”, ie completely taken over or taken back by demons. At the centre of your being, your spirit is connected to God’s Spirit and Satan can’t have you back. We are talking about Satan gaining an amount of influence in your mind so that he can neutrualise you or even use you to further his agenda.


Our Defence


Understanding Our Position In Christ


Ephesians 1:19-22 tells us that Jesus is seated at God’s right hand, the ultimate seat of power and authority, “far above all rule and authority, power and dominion”.

“And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:6)

以弗所书 1 章 19-22 节告诉我们,耶稣坐在神的右边,那至高的能力与权威之宝座, 远超过一切执政的掌权的有能的和主治的人。“

“神又叫我们与耶稣基督一同复活,在基督里和他一同坐在天上“(以弗所书 2 章 6 节)。

Because of the finished work of Christ, the Church is given both the power and the authority to continue His work. Our authority is to do God’s will, nothing more and nothing less. We also have God’s mighty power as long as we are filled (controlled) by the Holy Spirit.

由于基督完成了他的工, 也给予教会能力和权柄继续他的工作。我们的权柄是实行神的意愿,不增也不减。我们也有神的大能, 只要我们被圣灵充满。

“ Even though he is defeated, Satan still “prowls around like roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Paul tells us to put on the armour of God and stand firm (Ephesians 6:11-20).

“尽管被击退,撒旦仍然如同吼叫的狮子,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人”(彼得前书 5 章 8 节)。 保罗告诉我们穿戴神的武装,

“Submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). This is the key for sin-confess cycles. Don’t just confess but also resist the devil.

“你们要顺服神,务要抵挡魔鬼,魔鬼就必离开你们逃跑了。”(雅各书 4 章 7 节)。

这是罪 - 忏悔循环中的关键。 不要仅仅忏悔,还要抵挡魔鬼。 

Do Not Be Frightened


Demons are petrified of Christians who know the extent of the power and authority they have in Christ.

“The one who was born of God keeps him safe and the evil one cannot harm him.” (1John 5:18)

知道自己在基督里的权能和威力的基督徒, 魔鬼在他们面前也会枯萎。 “从神而生的,必得保守,那恶者也无法害他。”(约翰一书, 5 章 18 节)。

Guard Our Mind


“Prepare your minds for action.” (1 Peter 1:13)

We are never told to direct our thoughts inwardly or passively but always outwardly and actively. God never bypasses our minds – He works through them.

“约束你们的心智以利行动”(彼得前书 1 章 13 节)。

神从未告诉我们要将思想仅仅停留在心灵内部,或者被动地思想。 相反,要向外和主动地思考。

神从未略过我们的心灵 --- 他通过我们的心灵做工。

Turn On The Light


Satan has no power over us at all unless he can deceive us into believing that he does – and we give him that power only when we fail to believe the truth.

撒旦根本没有控制我们的权柄,除非他骗的我们相信他具有这种能力 --- 我们只有在未能相信真理的时候才会给予他这样大的权力。

Expose Satan’s lie to God’s truth, and his power is broken.

“My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” (John 17:16,17)

Trying not to think negative thoughts doesn’t work. As Christians we are not called to dispel the darkness. We are instructed to turn on the light. Rather than concentrating on getting rid of the darkness, fill your mind with light.


“我不求你叫他们离开世界,只求你保守他们脱离那恶者。 用真理使他们成圣,你的道就是真理”(约翰福音 17 章 16-17 节)。

试图不去想负面的东西不好使。作为基督徒,我们蒙召不是要驱除黑暗,我们受的教导是点亮灯光。 不要注重于如何摆脱黑暗,而要让你的心灵充满了光明。

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.” (Philippians 4:6-8)

“不要挂虑任何事,只要凡事籍着祷告,祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神,神所赐出人意外的平安必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。最后,弟兄们,凡是真实的, 高贵的,公义的,纯洁的,可爱的,可敬的 ---- 若有任何超凡的,或值得称赞的事 ---- 你们要思念这样的事情。”(腓立比书, 4 章 6-8 节) 

Pause For Thought 2


Read Ephesians 6:10-20. What do you think it means in practice to put the armour of God? Is it just saying the words or is there more to it than that?

If you woke up in the night with the feeling that there was a scary demonic presence in your bedroom, based on James 4:7 and what you have learned, what do you think would be a good course of action?

读以弗所书 6 章 10-20 节。你认为“穿戴神的全副武装”在实践中意味着什么?只是那字面的含义还是有更多涵义?

如果你夜里醒来感觉你的卧室里有魔鬼存在,按照雅各书 4 章 7 节,以及你学过的一切,你认为如何反应是正确的?



How do you think Satan works in the lives of your non-Christian friends?

What might you be able to do about this?



Questions for Groups


1. Have any of the things you have learned so far about Satan Surprised you?

2. Does he now seem more or less powerful than you had imagines?

3. Is it a surprise to you that some of the thoughts in your mind might have been put there by a deceiving spirit even though they seem like your own?

4. Can you identify some thoughts that you have had that you now think might be from the enemy? Are they completely false or is there some truth in them?

5. Read Ephesians 6: 10-20. What do you think it means in practice to “put on the armour of God”? Is it just saying the words or is there more to it than that?

6. If you woke up in the night with the feeling that there was a scary demonic presence in your bedroom, based on James 4:7 and what you have learned in this session, what do you think would be a good course of action?

1. 到目前为止,你所学到的关于撒旦的任何事情让你惊讶么?

2. 他现在比你以前想象的威力更大还是更小了?

3. 你是否吃惊,你心灵中的某些想法可能是由一个欺骗性的灵魂输入的,尽管它们看上去似乎是你自己的想法?

4. 你是否能够找出一些想法,现在你认为可能是来自你的敌人? 它们是否完全错误,还是也有某些真理在里面?

5. 读以弗所书 6 章 10-20 节。你认为“穿戴神的全副武装”在实践中意味着什么?只是那字面的含义还是有更多涵义?

6. 如果你夜里醒来感觉你的卧室里有魔鬼存在,按照雅各书 4 章 7 节,以及你学过的一切,你认为如何反应是正确的?

To take away


Suggestions For Your Quiet Times This Week:


Meditate on the following verses: Matthew 28:18; Ephesians 1:3-14;Ephesians 2:6-10; Colossians 2:13-15.

默想下面的经节:马太福音 28 章 18 节;以弗所书 1 章 3-14 节 ; 以弗所书 2 章 6-10 节。哥罗西书 2 章 13-15 节。

Big Questions (to consider before the next session):


How has Satan deceived you in the past? How is he deceiving you right now?

If we can’t always trust what we feel, why has God given us feelings and how should we respond to them?



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