
Finally …

(2013-04-24 16:47:32) 下一个

Finally …

Spring, finally, crashed winter’s prolonged resistance, swaggering through this city with a big fanfare of exultant blossoms all over the places this week.

Although I was a bit baffled and annoyed by late arrival of the spring season this year,  like anyone else I felt grateful to see the dazzling extravaganzas put on by Mother Nature. It’s like a magic, all of sudden, flowers, trees, and bushes are all come to life and thrive in full swing.

As always, it delighted me to see the dazzling efflorescence along the trail when I ran in the morning as it made me feel alive by turning on all my sensors at once.  

Put some pictures taken in my iPhone (without ps) this week as a simple measure to remember spring 2013

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纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 回复苏乡门地的评论:
You are welcome. If 花甲 is a man, young or old doesn't matter,changes are, I think he would continue chasing skirts until the end of his time. :))

However, I'd prefer to dedicate the weeping cherry to the beautiful ladies out there including you. I think this way it's no just because of the feminizing pink color, but its delicate flowering petals, in my mind, symbolize the softness, tenderness and the subtlety yet reactive sentiments of lovesickness they ofter demonstrate.
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 回复irislee0212的评论:

照片是在纽约市的公园里和周边街道上拍的。 我拍得不好,工具也不专业,早晨晨跑的时候,赶时间扫几张,马虎着看吧。:)
苏乡门地 回复 悄悄话 That weeping cherry somehow reminds me of another WXC ID,
Called 花甲,please don't ask me why, ^_^ maybe because
he also enjoys "沾花惹草" keeps encouraging &praising others,
forever young at heart! such a lovely inspiring figure in this community.

Thanks again 纵然 for sharing the ever enchanting beauty of NYC! :)
irislee0212 回复 悄悄话 第三幅樱花太美了,在哪儿拍的?
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 回复一霖的评论:

哇, 是哪阵风,把大小姐给“催”过来,不容易哈。如果我没有记错的话, 这是你的第一次在这里留言,well, please don't be shy, everything has the first time. :)

谢谢,还好是春光宜人,不是春光乍泻。:) 实话实说,我拍得都是用手机随手任意咔嚓一下的纪念照,你们拍的常常才是艺术精品,精彩元素。
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 回复娅米的评论:
谢谢。 你和我住的应该很近,所以我们分享相同天气状况,对吧?:)

这个周末气温有可能会持续在60f-70f之间,而且是阳光灿烂, 是外出踏青赏花的绝好机会。你不要再“宅”在家中喝酒,读感伤的书/诗啦。

纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 回复花自飘飘零的评论:

第三张好像是Shidarezakura(枝垂樱) 在美国又称weeping cherry, 是我最喜欢的樱花品种之一。这种樱花要嘛不开,一开就开得灿烂无比,像天边浮动的彩云。 但是,一旦凋落,一夜之间千万片樱花花瓣飘零如雨,落英缤纷,随风飞扬而去。 景观可以让最硬的心肠变柔软。:((
“你的美味佳肴呢?” 都被我吃完了,你不知道,因为我是一个吃货。:(
一霖 回复 悄悄话 春色满园,春光宜人!

娅米 回复 悄悄话 我也最喜欢照片1,3,4。这两天我们这里的天气就是这样的,天蓝得透明,空气又清爽,春色宜人!
花自飘飘零 回复 悄悄话 what beautiful pictures...especially the third one from top, sakura?

BTW, 你的美味佳肴呢?:)我可没忘啊~~~
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 AJ, please relax, I can sure you that not many people would come here to compete with you for a commentary spot.Please feel at home since my blog is intended as a private lounge for friends and acquaintances.:)

I do appreciate your thoughts which would have to agree with you, for one thing, you know better than me in many important fronts.

Yes, cheers for a new spring for all of us.
盈袖2006 回复 悄悄话 ah... sofa, big and comfy
the pictures are sooooooo beautiful esp no 1 3 4.

Spring is here and life is back only because a touch of the loving finger of the great one. cannot never be grateful enough. In each trial you are not alone, you are shaped for a predestined plan and grows purer, stronger, more mature and loving. Life is meaningful.

cheers for the spring and all the seasons in life,