
观the break up 有感

(2006-06-07 08:27:34) 下一个
  星期一下午休息陪朋友看了最近刚上的一部电影the break up.记得当时看预告的时候觉得不过是一部funny movie并没对它抱太高的期望。but in fact really can get some points from it.
   today's city life is full of pressure这种压力让人变得自私又自我。even a couple in a relationship and they love each other,却不肯宽容和迁就一下对方。live in the same condle, sleep on the same bed but they are individuals , have their own behavior, thinking. nobody wants to change then the situation becomes worse and worse.接着冲突对立就接踵而来。they begin to hate each other and try to hurt each other.在今天的社会this is normal.when they know the condle will be sold in two weeks they get some change. the man can cook a dinner for his woman. when the condle is empty the woman also can consider to get a small dining table to make a room and  put a pool table for her man.如果让他们发现仍爱着对方接着复合继续过着sweet life这部电影就会落入俗套。it will really make me disappointed.but the director is really good he doesn't let me down.两个人不过是在原地停留一段时间then they just go ahead, put him or herself on the first position, make their own lives. i really appreciate this point. 我最喜欢的是那个ending. no reservation and appointment, 只是偶然大家meet in the street. he looks her good and she looks him great. some simple greetings, then just continue their own way.那回头目视对方的一笑,不必说太多真的是一切尽在不言中that sence really hits me. they know they still care each other. the founction is fucking good. (哈哈又是脏话)
   man wil always care about woman,食色性也。哈哈,我真的很欣赏电影里那个女主角。yes女人有时候是脆弱的,when she feels lost in her love, she was confusing and crying. 但她真的得到她老板的赏识,after her break the job is still there waiting for her.when she is not ready for next man, she knows how to say no to an atractive man. that is style, that is character. 这才是今天的independed modern woman. i'd like to cheer for her.
   以上是小弟看完这部电影后的个人观感。还是那句话欢迎各路朋友批评指正。天亮了新的一天的工作在等着我。brant new day 哈哈。
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