打酒的2012-10-11 18:22:05回复悄悄话
People commend Lin for being a smart kid, not because he got an Economics degree, an impractical one in most people's mind, rather he earned it from Harvard.
Most of China's top rulers are technocrat, from 中央党校 清华分部. They might have picked up Economics 101 on the job, but they all have failed to break out of the ranks to call for meaning polical changes.
sugarview2012-10-11 13:10:42回复悄悄话
Graduate from Harvard, then what?
He is nothing but trash!
zWiserman2012-10-10 22:48:18回复悄悄话
"...a S.J.D. from Harvard Law School..."
A good school graduate may not be a good politician!
馬英九 is a lousy one, for sure!
zWiserman2012-10-10 22:45:22回复悄悄话
马英九 is a coward!
Most of China's top rulers are technocrat, from 中央党校 清华分部. They might have picked up Economics 101 on the job, but they all have failed to break out of the ranks to call for meaning polical changes.
He is nothing but trash!
"...a S.J.D. from Harvard Law School..."
A good school graduate may not be a good politician!
馬英九 is a lousy one, for sure!
微醉的感觉比较舒服是吗? 兄弟
Who from CCP, in his right mind, would have a dialog (with him)?