歌曲:让爱做主 演唱:韩红 高明骏 专辑:感动 来源:缘自知音
当泪变成了忘却 或许可以轻松 当风吹灭了等待 是否可以从容
让爱作主 只为最初的坚强 让爱作主 只为最终的方向
当风吹醒了疲惫 是否可以入梦 让爱作主 让爱作主
某卫生局副处长耿林和医生刘云是一对结婚数载的夫妻,刚刚走出大学校门的娄嘉仪和肖天海则是一对即将分手的恋人。耿林与刘云即将步入中年,在事业的成功与物欲的诱惑面前,他们既向往又迷茫,在年轻一代执著而疯狂的爱恋面前,他们既羡慕又恐慌。他们试图在对方身上寻找真爱,结果却是由爱而恨,家庭也走向危机。当他们无意中被卷入一场命案后,重新发现对方的美好与善良,他们义无反顾地投入到解救对方的行动中。(摘自网络) 林贝卡 2009春 于美国 |
Han Hong ( 韩红 Tibetan name: Ingdzin Droma, 央金卓玛) is a Chinese singer and songwriter of ethnic Tibetan and Han Chinese origin. She is one of the most famous female singers in China, and has maintained her diva status since 2003. She is also a songwriter who specializes in a variety of Chinese folk music. Her signature works are Tibetan Plateau and Heaven's road (天路). She was born in Shigatse, the second largest city of Tibetan Autonomous Region. Like her mother, who's also a singer and who is of Tibetan ethnicity, Han Hong is able to shift quite easily from piercing high pitches to soft low tones. (Source: Wikipedia)