若兰A, 一口气读了"洋下海日记", 有点启发。 也为若兰率真,从容的性格打动。 是啊,人生几回搏。我老公自己创业,但是步伐慢了些。我自己background 是MBA, 但总是被家里和孩子的琐事冲淡斗志. 期待更多好文。我和我老公谈论了好半天 after reading your blog, even though he(my husband) wanted to invest your company(hehe), you can see that you can be a very good marketer. We live at suburban philadelhia, it is about 5 miles to center city of Philly. My husband is a computer genius (at least per my perception), he has built a commecial website for his client. Hope that we can set up some connections...Best Regards, Jenny & Wayne