我试了好几次在你的贴子上跟贴,没有成功,可能我对这个不太熟.我的一个美国朋友和我说这个有用是一种HERB.因为她用这治好了非常难治的VALLEY FEVER,我也刚买了,你可以看一下,在网上可买http://www.iherb.com/ProductDetails.aspx?c=1&pid=2031
2. Anti-cancer effect. The greater part of the basic research on lapacho, both in the United States and in other countries has dealt directly with the cancer question. Obviously, this issue is of great importance. Any tendency of lapacho to ameliorate the course of cancer should be made known to all persons likely to benefit from it. The absence of side effects makes lapacho a treatment of choice even in conjunction with standard forms of therapy. The user has nothing to lose and much to gain from the judicious use of lapacho. Naturally, any and all treatment of a cancerous condition should be done under the supervision of a qualified physician