You brought out some bright side of the story, more or less. You did not know 99% of them claimed refugee status for a Australian PR. They rallied, they did hunger strike in Canbenra. One cut his wrest in the Sydney airport minutes before being sent back to China by Immigration. For staying in Australia, they organized a class suit against Immigration. It was said people put into about $1m into class suit fund., most of those money entered into Yang Jun's personal account. Yang claimed he bribed a lot of cash to Labour party secretary Andrew XX ( MP), according to Ar Zhong 's interview with Yang Jun about where the money went to. Those provoked Federal Police investgation on Bribe. Andrew resigned. Yang Jun signed Statuary Declairation to claimed no bribe to Andrew. Then, Ar Zhong vanished without any trace left his car in Burwood. Ar Zhong's vanishing was showed in a " Crime Stop" (forget a show name) TV program. "All Chinese are liars" commented by Australian Immigration Officers when final decision was made by Keating goverment.
Indeed, there were a lot of good people there, however, they had been kidnapped by those main stream of refugee claimers. That period of time was very painful and regretful experience in my life.
For quicker, forgive writing in rough English.