
为孩子和LG做饭, 心里喜欢他们吃饭的样子...

我家后院(1) -- Spring 2009

(2009-05-02 20:11:03) 下一个

"Red Dragon" lace leaf Japanese maple, 在房子的右前角。
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Green " Seiryu" lace leaf Japanese maple, 在后院, 餐厅窗外。( [ZT] Seiryu is the only upright growing 'laceleaf'. All others are weepers. This is one of the finest small maples. Fairly fast growth to about 10-12', it makes a fine specimen plant. Although it looks delicate, this is a tough tree.)
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"Trompenburg" Japanese maple 在车库旁边。([ZT] Trompenburg is an upright, moderately fast growing purple-red japanese maple which eventually can reach 30'. The leaves are attractively divided into 7 serrated lobes. What makes this plant have such a distinctive look, though, is the downward curve of each lobe which gives an attractive, rounded, parachute-like appearance to each leaf. Grows well in full sun or partial shade. Full sun brings out the best color as is the situation with many japanese maples. Introduced by the famous maple expert J.R.P. van Hoey Smith from the Trompenburg Arboretum in 1965.)
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 White dogwood,  在房子的右前角。
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 Pink dogwood,   在车道旁边。
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心怡厨房 回复 悄悄话 回复野莎的评论:这一串串的花叫"Bleeding Heart"
野莎 回复 悄悄话 这一串串的花叫什么?喜欢。
心怡厨房 回复 悄悄话 回复万水千山也有情的评论: 欢迎有情MM光临!
万水千山也有情 回复 悄悄话 枝繁叶茂,春色满园的后院,很美!