

Jupiter -- 声乐版 by 平原綾香

(2008-02-16 06:02:45) 下一个

英文版       作词:Andreas Carlsson

Everyday I listen to my heart
In times when I can't see
When my faith is nowhere to be found
I trust the voice in me
So when you're lost wishing for an angel
Or a hand to pull you through
When the world is on your shoulder
Just trust the voice in you
Everyday I listen to my heart
When I'm too numb to feel
When my strength is nowhere to be found
I trust the voice in me
Oh, in me
Sometimes life moves in mysterious ways
And you don't know where it will end
It's a fight, no one can fill your place
And nothin's like you planned
But when you call looking for an answer
To justify what you have to do
Baby don't look any further
Just trust the voice in you
Everyday I listen to my heart
When I'm just too blind to see
When my faith is nowhere to be found
I trust the voice in me
When the world is on your shoulder
And you're looking for your way
Everyday I listen to my heart
When I'm too numb to feel
When my strength is nowhere to be found
I trust the voice in me
We all have our own private war
You know those times when doubt fills your head
When all good advice will only get you misled
Everyday I listen to my heart
In times when I can't see
When my faith is nowhere to be found
I trust the voice in me
Everyday I listen to my heart
When I'm too numb to feel
When my strength is nowhere to be found
I trust the voice in me

日文版       作词:吉元由美

Every day I listen to my heart
在內心深处 我们彼此相系
跨过无尽的岁月 闪耀的星星

Every day I listen to my heart
我能用这双手 做些什么呢?
用它来抚平痛楚 静静闭上双眼
比失去梦想 还要悲哀的事

 如果感到孤独的话 是为了学习爱
在心的寂静之中 把耳朵澄清

呼唤我 无论到哪里
你所流下的那些眼泪 是我所珍藏的东西

在我们之中 不管是谁都不是孤单一个人的
隨心所欲的生活 追求闪亮的未來
我要永远歌唱下去 只为你一个

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